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Basic Jam, Improv, and Freestyling Skills
Part One - The Basics: What Improvising Is and How It Works
Overview of the Video Tutorials (3:58)
How is Jamming Like a Boat On the Ocean? (4:35)
How Improvising, Jamming, & Freestyling Works (5:40)
Part Two - Skill Development
Jamming Skills You'll Need (2:43)
Basic Listening: Dive Into the Mix (8:09)
Beat & Rhythm Basics (3:56)
Find (and Keep) the Beat (1:47)
How Low Can You Go? Pitch and Melody (3:32)
What Was That!? Sound Effects & Timbre (3:07)
Part Three - Going Solo: Jamming Alone
General Jamming "Rules"
Find Sounds to Jam Over (4:13)
Create Beats to Jam Over (8:14)
The KISS Rule (Keep It Super Simple) (2:54)
Part Four - Plays Well With Others: Group Jams
Lead, Follow, or Get Out of the Way: The "Rules" of Jamming With Others
Say What? Call and Response
It's Opposite Day! Mirroring (1:27)
General Jamming "Rules"
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